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Pre-Sales & General FAQ
Pre-Sales & General FAQ
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Will you transfer my website from my previous provider?
What are the available Datacenter locations?
What are your nameservers (DNS) ?
What payment methods you accept and do you accept cryptocurrencies?
What is your average support response time?
What is VIP and Priority support?
Do you offer CloudFlare?
Reseller account transfer policy
How can I test your server speeds?
What control panel do you use?
Where is your office located?
How long have you been in business?
How many customers do you have?
What scripts can I install with softaculous?
Do you block any ports?
Does Europe hosting cost more?
Do you offer a trial of your services?
Do you offer non-unlimited hosting plans?
How do I unsubscribe from your marketing emails?
I have more pre-sales questions, how do I get a hold of you?
Is there any Database engine included with the Mini Plan?