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CloudLinux / Shared Hosting Limits Explained
CloudLinux / Shared Hosting Limits Explained
Carlos Escalante avatar
Written by Carlos Escalante
Updated over a week ago

CloudLinux OS is the operating system of our servers. It was designed for the shared hosting industry thinking on environments where multiple customers will coexist into a singular server. It isolates each customer into a separate “Lightweight Virtualized Environment” (LVE), which partitions, allocates, and limits server resources, like memory, CPU, and connections, for each customer. This ensures that tenants cannot jeopardize the stability of the server, causing all sites to slow down or even come to a halt. CloudLinux OS also “cages” our customers from one another to avoid security breaches. This way, unstable scripts or malware are not able to sprawl across your customer sites, causing severe harm.

cPanel CloudLinux Stats

You can find your own stats by going to the cPanel account and looking for the Resource Usage section. There you will be able to check your current and past resource usage, you can even set date ranges.

This is an example of a customer with extremely high CPU usage:

We will explain what each of these limits means in plain English:


Physical memory limit corresponds to the amount of memory actually used by end customer's processes. When an account goes over physical memory limit, CloudLinux will first free up memory used for disk cache, and if that is not enough, it will kill some of the processes within that account. This will usually cause web server to serve 500 and 503 errors.


Set CPU limit in terms of % of a single core and will meter the CPU usage the account has according to this %. If the account goes beyond this limit, the account will be forced to acceptable limits.

Entry Processes

The number of PHP processes (scripts) that are being executed on every CPU cycle simultaneously. Keep in mind an "Entry Process" only takes roughly a fraction of a second to complete, therefore most people get it confused with how many visitors they can have on their website. We've seen an entry limit of 25 usually handle 30-40 visitors on your website at a time. If you have a low traffic website but are constantly at 25 Entry Processes, it means something is wrong with your scripts and they are hanging around longer then they should.

It will limit the number of concurrent connections to Apache, causing web server to serve error 508 page ( Resource Limit Reached), once the number of concurrent requests for the site goes above the limit.

Number of Processes

Very similar to the Entry Processes but includes all the processes that the account is executing at the same time and not only PHP processes.

MySQL Database Connections

This may restrict the concurrent database connections and, just like the Entry Processes, this also takes roughly a fraction of a second to complete each one.

I/O Usage

IO limits restrict the data throughput for the customer. They are in KB/s. When limit is reached, the processes are throttled (put to sleep). Yet don't stop working, nor getting killed – they just work slower when the limit is reached.

The IO limits will only affect DISK IO, and will have no effect on network. It also doesn't take into consideration any disk cache accesses.


An "inode" is a single file that you are the owner of. It can be a file on your website, an email or a database file that you manage. Every single file that is under your account is considered an inode. We keep track of how many inodes you have and you can view your "File Usage" in the cPanel stats dropdown.


IOPS limits restrict the total number of read/write operations per second. When the limit is reached the read/write operations stop until current second expires.

Here you can reach the resource allocation of our Plans.

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